Thermal modernization of the nursery school in Marklowice Górne
The nursery school in Marklowice Górne was characterized by high heat transfer coefficients. The building did not meet the established standards in this respect, and it was necessary to insulate walls, windows, doors, and the roof. The outdated central heating installation was also of poor efficiency, and the cast iron radiators were not equipped with thermoregulation. Excessive heat losses were reflected in the amounts of fuel burned during heating the building and the costs incurred. The answer to this problem was the thermal modernization project of the facility, which received support from European Funds.
Project title
Thermal modernization of the nursery school building in Marklowice Górne
Zebrzydowice Municipality
Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: IV. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and low carbon economy
Measure: 4.3. Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in public and housing infrastructure
Sub-measure: 4.3.2 Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in public and housing infrastructure – RTI
Project value: PLN 270,217.69
EU grant value: PLN 221,378.63
Why was the project undertaken?
The purpose of thermal modernization of the nursery school included:
- limiting its emissivity,
- increasing the building's energy efficiency,
- reducing energy demand,
- improving the quality of life and public space
- and improving the level of aesthetics of the building.
What has been achieved?
- The external window and door joinery has been replaced,
- external walls of the building has been insulated,
- the flat roof under the unheated attic has been insulated,
- central heating installation has been replaced.
Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?
Children and their parents from the Zebrzydowice commune, and the nursery school employees.
What are the main benefits of the project?
- Reduction of heating costs,
- environmental protection,
- increasing the comfort of use,
- improving the level of aesthetics of the building.
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