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Photovoltaic power plant dedicated to the wastewater treatment plant in Wojkowice

In March 2017, the agreement on the funding of the construction of ecological energy source for a wastewater treatment plant in Wojkowice was signed. The project will enable the improvement of the energy efficiency of the Municipal Economy Plant in Wojkowice by reducing the cost of energy purchase. A new source of renewable energy production will emerge there, together with the transmission infrastructure that will affect the overall reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and PM10.

Project title
The construction of photovoltaic power plant dedicated to the wastewater treatment plant in Wojkowice

The municipality of Wojkowice

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: IV. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and low-emission economy
Measure: 4.1. Renewable energy sources
Sub-measure: 4.1.2. Renewable Energy Sources – ITI

Project value: PLN 976,699.95
EU grant value: PLN 674,530.25

Why was the project undertaken?

The Municipal Economy Plant in Wojkowice needed its own ecological energy source that would enable for the reduction of the work of the sewage treatment plant. Such a solution was to positively affect the investment opportunities of the Municipal Economy Plant in Wojkowice in the future, as well as translate into favourable tariff rates.

What has been achieved?

The new infrastructure for the production of electricity from renewable sources was built – the photovoltaic power plant with power capacity of 199.80 kWp (which consists of 740 modules rated at 270 Wp in the technology of polycrystalline photovoltaic modules).

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

The Municipal Economy Plant in Wojkowice performs public tasks, so the target of the effects of the project (to reduce the costs of wastewater treatment) will be a benefit for the residents of Wojkowice, and in a wider perspective (clean energy – cleaner air) also the inhabitants of the region as a whole.

What are the main benefits of the project?

The energy produced by the farm has to boost the nearby sewage treatment plant, allowing it to significantly reduce the cost of energy consumption. It will also affect the degree of reduction of CO2 and particulate matter PM10 (it will not occur at the site of production but in a balanced way equivalent, there will be an equivalent reduction in the coal power plant).

The additional effect is the creation of new jobs related to the construction and maintenance of the emerged infrastructure.

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