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N-S Route connects DTŚ Route Bypass with the A4 motorway – phase I

Millions of tons of soil and aggregates and 2 thousand m³ of concrete and more than 200 tons of steel – these are the resources that were needed to build the latest route N-S section along with the viaduct. The project was a continuation of the road project which began in the financial perspective 2007-2013. Then from the Regional Operational Program of the Silesian Voivodship, we co-founded the first section of the route emerging in Ruda Śląska that ultimately will combine two of the most strategic roads in the region – the A4 motorway with the DTŚ Route Bypass. The goal will be achieved at the time of completion of the II phase of the project.        

Project title
The construction of the N-S Route in Ruda Śląska, connecting DTŚ Route Bypass with the A4 motorway – phase I

The city of Ruda Śląska

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: VI. Transportation
Measure: 6.1. Voivodeship roads
Sub-measure: none

Project value: PLN 111,179,824.09
EU grant value: PLN 82,757,404.17

Why was the project undertaken?

There are two important roads running through Ruda Śląska – the A4 motorway and the DTŚ Route Bypass. Their connection in the form of a N-S route will enable the best use of the location of the city, providing a fully integrated investment area. It seems equally important to unburden 1 Maja Street, namely provincial road No. 925, running largely in a compact building area. The project implementation will contribute not only to the increase in the throughput of 1 Maja Street but also to the improvement of the quality of life of the local inhabitants.

What has been achieved?

Within the framework of the project, the two new sections of N-S route were created, including 2.4 km, from 1 Maja Street to Bukowa Street (section I) and from Bukowa Street to Kokota Street (section II). In addition, the investment included the construction of a two-storey node from Kokota Street, access road to garden plots, walkways, bike paths, drainage system, as well as reconstruction of the section of Kokota Street and the inlet and section of Wideckiego Street, street lighting, node, sidewalks and bike paths, execution of barriers and vertical and horizontal labelling, as well as the planting of trees and shrubs. Also, the existing technical infrastructure networks were rebuilt – water, sewage, gas, electric-energy and telecommunication.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

  • drivers who use the DTŚ Bypass and the A4 motorway,
  • potential investors,
  • residents of the building at 1 Maja Street (PR, 925),
  • the inhabitants of Ruda Śląska and the neighbouring cities and tourists visiting the Silesian Voivodeship.

What are the main benefits of the project?

  • raising the investment attractiveness of the sites located in the string of 1 Maja Street, and N-S route,
  • reduction of the time of travel between the northern and southern districts of the city and the 1 Maja Street,
  • the increase in the safety of traffic on 1 Maja Street,
  • improvement of the quality of life of residents of buildings at 1 Maja Street,
  • the increase of the capacity of PR 925 in the North-South direction,
  • the increase of the availability of DTŚ and the A4 motorway.
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