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Daycare spots as an alternative form of provision of care for children under 3 years of age in Rybnik

The projects include actions targeted at equalization of professional and social chances of parents of children up to 3-years-old in the scope of possibility to return to the labour market through establishment and maintenance of 4 spots of daycare in the city. Each of the newly opened spots assumes care of four children aged up to 3 years. The total number of new children covered by the service of daycare guardian in Rybnik has within 12 months amounted to16 children whose parents, due to lack of ability to provide care for children, have limited opportunities to return to the labour market and the development of the professional aspirations.

Project title
Daycare spots as an alternative form of provision of care for children under 3 years of age in Rybnik

The city of Rybnik

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: VIII. Regional personnel knowledge-based economy
Measure: 8.1. Promoting the development of conditions for the reconciliation of work and private life
Sub-measure: 8.1.3. Provide access to care services for children up to 3 years of age

Project value: PLN 211,989.00
EU grant value: PLN 180,190.65

Why was the project undertaken?

At the time of preparation of the project in Rybnik, there was no public nursery functioning. However, there were 6 day care facilities in place, launched already in the framework of the Human Capital Operational Program in the previous period of programming with the EU support. These spots have proven to be an alternative form of care for children up to 3 years of age. The reviews from parents who use such forms were very positive. Intimate terms, atmosphere close to home and easy and good contact with the nurse are the basic qualities of the spots. Thereby, basing on experience and a continuous deficit for places of care for young children and the reported needs of parents, the concept of the application for a project with an objective to launch the next 4 spots of daycare emerged.

What has been achieved?

In the framework of the project, launch and equipment of 4 spots of daycare were planned, which has subsequently been implemented. The project also assumed financing of the current operation in the 12 months by taking care of 16 children. Facilities, periodically having regard to the requirements of the act on child care up to the age of 3, provided care over a group of more than 30 children. This confirms the high level of interest in such form of care for young children.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

The services of a day-care guardian constitute a benefit to parents who recommence work after the break connected with the birth of a child, i.e. after maternity leave/parental leave, workers and the unemployed, single parents with children under 3 years, and those who, by reason of the need to take care of a child up to 3 years of age remain outside of the labour market. All the above specified people are the inhabitants of Rybnik.

What are the main benefits of the project?

The primary benefit of the project is the occupational activation of parents of children up to 3 years of age, who, prior to the provision of care services in the form of spots, missed alternative childcare, resulting in the frequently experienced lack of opportunities to return to work. Flexible working hours of daily guardians enable arranging of the working time and adjusting care to the professional duties of parents. A small group of children at the spot of care is conducive to their faster adaptation to the new conditions. Apart from that the city, by providing parents with small children with the additional possibility, received a positive opinion, as caring for its residents. The issue of providing alternatives to institutional care is also of significance, as the spots work in places friendly to young children, in conditions close to home.

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