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The bus station in Czechowice-Dziedzice has required a thorough remodelling for a long time. As a visiting card of the city, the first place visible for the visitors after leaving the bus, the square deterred with its archaic, damaged appearance. The plate of the station was covered by old, concrete paving blocks – severely damaged in numerous places – unfortunately, the expected cost of the renovation was too high for the city budget, as well as also the whole underground infrastructure, especially gas networks and waterworks would require replacement. Thanks to the support from the European Funds it was managed to perform restoration works, which not only improved the overall visual effect of the square but also increased the level of pedestrian safety.

Project title
Reconstruction of the bus square in Czechowice-Dziedzice

The municipality of Czechowice-Dziedzice

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: IV. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and a low-carbon economy
Measure: 4.5. Low-emission urban transport and efficient lighting
Sub-measure: 4.5.2. Low-emission urban transport and efficient lighting

Project value: PLN 1,688,024.48
EU grant value: PLN 1,433,775.31

Why was the project undertaken?

The aim of the project was the reduction of emissions to the atmosphere by building a modern and secure infrastructure, which will contribute to the conversion of personal transport to public transport. The need to increase the attractiveness of public transport has decided about the necessity of the project implementation. This was particularly important from the point of view of inhabitants and visitors of Czechowice-Dziedzice.

So far, the area of the square was hardened by old, concrete paving blocks and exposed the passengers who were moving around the unmarked area of the square to danger.

Another prerequisite for reconstruction was the location, and, in particular, the proximity to the train station, which is used by many residents and tourists. The emergence of a modern and safe transfer centre, combining an individual transport (car and bike) with the collective (bus and train), guarantees an increase in interest in the use of public transport services, which translate into a direct way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere.

What has been achieved?

Within the framework of the project, the entire area of the bus station with pedestrian communication strings was rebuilt by arranging and improving the safety of people using public transport and the newly established infrastructure. Within the framework of the investment, an entirely new and safe transfer centre with 4 shelters, 7 bicycle spots and hiking routes strings, entry and exit routes emerged. At the entrance to each of the 4 platforms, arrays with timetables were mounted.

In addition, in the corner of the bus station a square was created, equipped with bike racks, where one may leave one’s bike and go in the further journey by public transport (Bike & Ride).

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

The infrastructure is publicly available and adapted for people with disabilities. It serves all who use public transport in the municipality of Czechowice-Dziedzice, including residents and tourists shifting between the individual and collective communication.

What are the main benefits of the project?

Thanks to the implementation of the hereby project, a chaotic and dangerous bus square was transformed into a modern transfer centre, adapted for people with disabilities and safe for all users.

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