Digital Observatory Center proves effective

Every year the Centre for Public Opinion Research asks Polish citizens to evaluate selected public institutions. The survey carried out in March 2020 shows, that the police are constantly enjoying Polish citizens greatest trust. The police work was rated well by the 80% of the respondents. And the Silesian police have special reasons to be proud of. Modern technologies are taking place of old analog solutions, making the work of police officers more efficient and the life of Polish citizens easier.

The photograph shows the Deputy Chief of the Regional Police Headquarters in Katowice. A man in a ceremonial uniform is standing with a Polish flag in the background. He’s wearing glasses. He’s smiling. The photo comes from the archives of the beneficiary.


This project is a pioneering undertaking on a national scale as it involves combination of broad IT applications and telecommunication for security purposes. New technologies, software, applications and other digital solutions help to collect, process and transfer information, which improves not only police work but also the standard of communication with citizens. “Digital Observatory” covers two very broad areas. One is the road traffic within the region and the second one is cooperation between the citizens and neighbourhood police officers.

Thanks to the implementation of the project, Regional Police Headquarters in Katowice was the first in the country to warn drivers in real time about obstacles resulting from various road events. Drivers are offered dedicated applications to make their traveling easier. When searching for information about the place of the accident and the expected time of the obstruction, they can choose an alternative route to avoid getting stuck in a traffic jam. The applications work on any device that has access to the Internet. The data on the obstruction comes straight from the police officers working the scene of the incident. The history of particularly dangerous events and places available in the application is also valuable data for local governments and road managers.

"Digital Observatory” also makes the work of the police officers from the Road Traffic Department much easier. We use modern devices and software that improve the handling of traffic events. In the past, police officers sketched the scene of the accident by hand. Today they work more efficiently and precisely, using electronic tools, 3D scans and digital maps.

As part of the project “The Office of Silesian neighbourhood Police officer” was also created. It allows the citizens to report problems and contact police officers without leaving home. Our districts officers have undergone training and received ICT kits, so they can react quickly and efficiently.

We are most happy about the feedback of the inhabitants of our region, which went beyond our expectations. The number of page views withing mobile services which we provided has long exceeded the estimated results. I guess it’s the best proof that the project proved necessary and is doing really well.

The photograph shows Kamil Adamczyk, a junior warrant officer. A policeman is sitting in a police car, in the driver's seat. He's looking towards the photographer from behind the window. The photo was taken by Dominik Wójcik.


I've been working at the Traffic Department for over six years. The development of technology and the introduction of modern solutions to police equipment have posed new professional challenges to me and my colleagues. Thanks to the training we have learnt about modern working methods, advanced measurement tools – so far used mostly in geodesy. It was a real challenge indeed, but an opportunity for professional development and a real adventure as well.

Until now, we had to take all the measurements on site manually. Their precision and accuracy depended largely on the skills and experience of the officer. Working at the scene of a collision or accident was time-consuming and often aroused additional emotions in both those who were involved in the accident and the drivers who were in traffic jam because of it.

Today, it is no longer necessary to make handwritten situational sketches with a problematic scaling. The new system improves the quality of created documentation. In addition to its primary function, it offers a chance to reuse the collected measurement data, for example, when handling another traffic incident in the same location. This reduces the handling time of the event. The new solutions also provide the possibility of later access to the collected data for opinion, statistical or analytical purposes.

Thanks to the project we have a 3D scanner at our disposal. The device allows to almost copy the place of the accident or other type of incident, which undoubtedly makes it easier for the police to collect a huge amount of traces and evidence in the case.

Drivers eagerly use the "Traffic Events On-line" application. It allows us to provide information about road closures and the possible duration of the obstacle immediately upon arrival at the accident site. The data is presented on an online map at and sent directly to satellite navigation system providers. This gives drivers the opportunity to bypass jammed road sections and choose alternative routes.

Say it the Silesian way

dej pozór! – watch out!

policyjo – police

cesta – road



"Digital Monitoring Center for the Safety of Silesian Region - the Silesian Police Closer to the Citizens"

Beneficiary: Provincial Police Headquarters in Katowice
Project amount: ca. PLN 23 million
ROP SV subsidy: ca. 19 million
Implementation period: 10.2017 – 09.2019