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Modernization of street lights in Ruda Śląska – Stage I & II

The subject of the project was modernization of street lighting system in Ruda Śląska, based on the application of energy-saving LED lights, in the following locations: Lwa Tołstoja, Kościelna, Żelazna, Konstytucji, Ustronna streets (Stage I) and Piotra Niedurnego, Weteranów, gen. Hallera, Obrońców Westerplatte streets (Stage II). In accordance with the binding standards, modernization of the existing over 150 sodium lamps and purchase of new poles and lighting points in the area of selected streets in Ruda Śląska, creating through this the network of modern lighting points in LED technology. Through the assembly of energy effective street lights not only will the energy-efficiency of the public sector be increased and the demand for energy within the area of the city of Ruda Śląska, but also safety of the vehicle and pedestrian traffic will be reinforced.

Project title
Modernization of street lights in Ruda Śląska – Stage I & II

The city of Ruda Śląska

Priority axis/ Measure/ Sub-measure
Priority axis: IV. Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and low-emission economy
Measure: 4.5 Low-emission urban transport and effective lighting
Sub-measure: 4.5.1 Low-emission urban transport and effective lighting – ZIT

Project value: PLN 821,153.04 (Stage I) + 1,753,941.19 (Stage II)
EU grant value: PLN 102,625.28 (Stage I) + 547,962.57 (Stage II)

Why was the project undertaken?

The project causes a decrease of energy consumption as well as the level of pollution emitted to the atmosphere through an improvement of energy efficiency of the lighting system. Street lights, prior to project realization, impacted the air pollution, increasing the volume of CO2 discharged into the atmosphere and had a negative impact on the health of inhabitants, while generating high exploitation costs, including costs of electricity. The realization of this project limited to a significant degree these negative phenomena. The investment did not cause a negative impact on the environment while its long-term impact is of positive nature.

What has been achieved?

Under stage I of modernization of street lights in Ruda Śląska 46 LED frames were exchanged and developed at the following streets: Lwa Tołstoja, Ustronna, Konstytucji, Żelazna and Kościelna.

The second stage of the project assumed modernization of street lights of the subsequent streets of Ruda Śląska. The contractor managed to perform all the assumptions thanks to which 134 of LED type frames were replaced and developed on the streets of Piotra Niedurnego, Weteranów, gen. Hallera and Obrońców Westerplatte.

Who uses/benefits from the effects of the project?

Benefits stemming from the modernization of street lights will be noticed both by the inhabitants of the city of Ruda Śląska and persons from other regions of Poland passing through the city.

What are the main benefits of the project?

  • decreasing the costs of maintenance of street lights (lower consumption of electricity);
  • increasing the control over the functioning of lighting systems;
  • limiting CO2 emission to the atmosphere by way of reducing electricity consumption;
  • gradual removal of technology harmful to the environment;
  • improvement of vehicle and pedestrian traffic;
  • increase of feeling of safety and satisfaction of the inhabitants;
  • improvement of image of the area of an urbanized city.

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